Anzac Day Collaboration Poster Display

Lest We Forget


Year Levels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Size A4
Colour Black and White
Pages 29
Categories: , ,


The lead up to ANZAC Day provides a great opportunity to discuss with your students the incredible sacrifice our soldiers made for our freedom. Qualities such as mateship, perseverance, courage and ingenuity are qualities that our students can emulate. Our collaborative ANZAC DAY display consists of 28 individual A4 pages. Students will need to agree on which colours should be used for each section. Each student colours 1 or 2 pages depending on the size of your class, and then trims along the border. All pages are put together using blu-tack or pins to create one large final collaborative poster display.  

We have labelled each page with a grid reference to make it easier to asssemble the finished product. e.g. A1 through to A7 etc. Approximately 1400mm wide x 1148mm high when trimmed and placed together. 



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