Geography Quiz Cards



Year Levels 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Size A4, Letter
Colour Colour
Pages 16
Categories: ,


These 90 GEOGRAPHY QUIZ CARDS cover topics such as landforms, continents, oceans, capitals, direction, currency, differences between cultures, equator, lines of latitude/longitude, Prime Meridian, climate, vegetation, map features, migration, exports and imports, rural and urban areas, deforestation, desalination, pollution and more.

Print, cut and laminate these GEOGRAPHY QUIZ CARDS and use them orally with your class. They will love it!

Fast finishers can be extended by using the Geography Quiz cards with a partner. If they answer the question correctly, they get to place the card in front of them. At the end of the allocated time, whoever has the largest pile of correctly answered cards is crowned the “Geography Genius”.

Answers are provided on the cards.



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